Spyro enter the dragonfly reignited
Spyro enter the dragonfly reignited

The fifth scarecrow is up here, turn around and run back past the large door you started the game at, all the way past a waterfall to the sixth. Cross the river for the fourth, then charge along to the right and up to where you met Hunter before.

spyro enter the dragonfly reignited

Continue hugging the wall around to the right and right next to the river is number three. Charge forwards now along the left and past a passageway (it leads to the Electric Gate) and you should spot the second scarecrow directly ahead. The first scarecrow is directly beneath you, so drop down and flame it. Your task here is to flame eight scarecrows that are dotted around the level before the meter on the right of the screen becomes empty. Just to the right now you'll find a Challenge Portal. You might need to run around after it for a little while before you manage to capture Toons. Simply get close enough for Bubble Breath to capture it, this means charging towards it and breathing bubbles in the hope that you manage to get it. This Dragonfly is one of the annoying ones, ones that you need to capture yourself.

spyro enter the dragonfly reignited

Run over to it and Sparx will tell you all about Bubble Breath. About turn and look to the left of the large door (which does nothing!) and you should see a green thing moving about a bit. First things first, your first dragonfly. The level at the moment is fairly restricted and kind of directionless. This is key to collecting all of the dragonflies around the realm. This Dragon Spirit will bestow upon you the power of Bubble Breath.

spyro enter the dragonfly reignited

It's good advice really, continue on a course straight forwards, pick up the rune, and then walk over to the large green dragon statue. This should trigger the appearance of Bianca who will tell you to take the Dragon Rune over to the Dragon Spirit. Take your first steps in the game forwards towards the green hexagonal object on the ground directly ahead of you.

Spyro enter the dragonfly reignited